Saturday, December 15, 2007

I need to do more backgrounds

I've been working with Jeremie on the Animation Block Party intro, once you get to know it well enough, Flash becomes your best friend, I've liked working in it since high school. I'd post some pics of the animation but I bet that's a big no-no, we'll see. I realize I need to do more work with Backgrounds. Fill in all my gaps y'know? Here are a few samples I have, I have a few more but this is all that really fits. I really need to do more Urban scenery, another gap to fill there, but Y'see... knowing where I grew up well, ya draw what ya know... I am a nature beast.

Collection of Thesis Backgrounds
Japanese style mountain bathhouse? I should color or redo this one.

A memory from perspective class

A Background for the comic I'm doing which is Chock' Full of Video Game references

Forest path with rough pencil lines. A few years old this one is.

Cleaner lines of the middleground of the above pic

Just a glimpse of the Christmas card I'm making for my little sister.


ketchupbeast said...

dood, you need to do some bg's for some of my next games yo.

Unknown said...

Hey chris, lovely backgrounds and now im going to have to watch this! and hell you have gotten good. <3 - Alicia

Jeremie said...

awwwwesome de colllororrrruuurrz